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blog photoWelcome to i’m fighting shame.  A space devoted to my personal journey to fight the shame that has threatened to keep me from experiencing a meaningful and joy-filled life.  This space is also devoted to highlighting and discussing the shame that is rampant, an epidemic, really, in our society.  I am really glad you are here.

My name is Valerie.  I am a mid-western girl, born, raised, and living life in Indianapolis, Indiana.  I have many loves, first and foremost: God.  Next is my wonderful husband, Nich.  Tied for third would be my cat, Bogey, my family, and friends-who-I-have-adopted-into-my family.  Running close behind third is my love of cooking and baking, reading, traveling with my wonderful husband, running, yoga, chocolate, and whiskey.

I invite you to come along with me on my journey as I fight shame. 

4 thoughts on “about”

    1. Thank you, Natalie! I am eternally grateful to you for all of the support and encouragement you have provided me for so many years. Thank you for modeling courage and vulnerability!

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